For some, music is not just a pasttime. It's an undeniable fact of living. A blissful slavery of mind, body, and soul.

One ending is another beginning

Publicerad 2010-03-16 19:49:17 i Allmänt,

The best roller coaster ride so far... Twohundred and sixtythree days passed faster than fastest, with steep lows but also the best highs. I don't regret things, I'm not that kind of person and neither do I this time. Let's see what the next ride in life gives, I'm getting on with a smile and urge for new adventures! :)

Everybody wants an easy ride
On the merry-go-round that we call life
Take your drive on cruise control
Then you wait to find out it's a winding road
I had my dreams in view
When the money ran out and the engine blew

Hung my tears out to dry
Then my dreams fell out of that clear blue sky
And I, I was walkin' the clouds
Feelin' so safe and sound
Then somethin' else knocks me down

Well, Oh, That's the way it is
You gotta roll with the punches
That's the way it goes
You gotta bend when the wind blows
You live you learn
You crash and burn
It's hit or miss
And that's the way it is

One fine day you wake up
Completely, hoplessly fallen in love
He's just what you're lookin' for
The only problem is, that the man's not sure
Another guy'll give you everything

The only problem is you don't feel a thing
Well I know from expirence
Nothin's ever gonna make perfect sense
Oh, one day you get what you want
But it's not what you think
Then you get what you need



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Det här är mitt andrum, min plats att låta hjärnan och händerna pränta ner det som läpparna inte kan forma. Vare sig det är lyckliga eller sorgsna ting så är det i alla fall sådant jag vill få ur mig. Jag hoppas du finner något att läsa som kan få dig att le eller kanske känna igen dig. Välkommen.



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