For some, music is not just a pasttime. It's an undeniable fact of living. A blissful slavery of mind, body, and soul.


Publicerad 2011-06-27 13:34:17 i Allmänt,

There aren't really any words to descbribe the past weekend at Marstrand. It truly was a fairytale at the castle.
The bride looked like a princess, the wedding was as taken out of a romantic movie and the reception and party was probably, most likely what brought this wedding to the wedding of all times!
To spend a weekend like this with some of the people I love the most and to also have the privelige of meeting new, amazing people with blinding personalities, was more than I ever asked for.
I can not remember when I was as happy as these day the last time!
Lots of Love to all of you who made these days part of everlastning memories. <3


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Det här är mitt andrum, min plats att låta hjärnan och händerna pränta ner det som läpparna inte kan forma. Vare sig det är lyckliga eller sorgsna ting så är det i alla fall sådant jag vill få ur mig. Jag hoppas du finner något att läsa som kan få dig att le eller kanske känna igen dig. Välkommen.



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