For some, music is not just a pasttime. It's an undeniable fact of living. A blissful slavery of mind, body, and soul.

Still going strong

Publicerad 2009-12-21 10:30:58 i Allmänt,

All good, all good.

Life's joyfull and I cannot imagen going back home. I left things I don't want to pick up again... We talk alot, J.D and I, about everything. But the things that are hard seems easier down here. I had the one breakdown I talked about last time, but that was it. Since then, we're talking about everything in a relaxed way, just ventilating life, thoughts and our views on complicated relations, the future or just what drink to have tonight.
Over here, life seems to not have to be so complex. And maybe that's the way it's supposed to be. Maybe we just make it harder at home, harder than it has to be. 'Cause the climate and the surroundings makes us less pleased with just about everything. Anyone agreeing?

I'm coming to peace with myself and my life here. I'm alright and so's my life. Not perfect but working on it. I'm working for what I want, keeping what I have and accepting that some things are just the way it is.
If you want something really bad, just let it go and see if it comes back. And I think it will, I hope it will.

Life here is good and I have a feeling of calm, of being content and completely without stress. We get the things we want, good food, massages, drinks and whatever crosses our minds.

Ofc, I miss some things at home and coming back will be nice in many ways. This is just a break that I needed really bad. To find myself, "heal my aura", get the colour on my face back, eating, just looking healty again.

And I owe lots and lots of that to my beautiful soulmate J.D.

Love Jenitz
(Mmm... Thinking of you more that intended to.)


Postat av: Skride

Publicerad 2009-12-21 14:03:49

hela landet har en viss effekt eller hur? miljön värmen stämningen. allt är frdifullt och välkommnande. tror du jag hatade dagen vi va tvungen att åka hem i våras eller? ;)

Postat av: Emi

Publicerad 2009-12-21 20:55:54

Det gläder mig att du får den ro du behöver där nere...Jag är övertygad om att ett sådant kraftigt miljöombyte är så nödvändigt för att verkligen komma till ro. Så fick jag i tvåan när jag var där nere, lämnade all stress o press hemma o fick nya krafter.


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