For some, music is not just a pasttime. It's an undeniable fact of living. A blissful slavery of mind, body, and soul.

So for the past fifty hours...

Publicerad 2009-12-10 23:27:32 i Allmänt,

...I've hardly spoken a single word in Swedish.

Since miss K arrived I've truly fallen back into my love for the English language. I don't even want to speak Swedish anymore. It's boring and flat and you can't express yourself properly. But I suppose I'll be forced to do so anyway.

Me, miss K and miss A went into the nearest town today, to give miss K a short sightseeing-tour and then have a cup of coffee and a small cake while chatting for a while. At the café, miss K asked me to order for her since she's not very comfortable with Swedish (yet). I looked at the guy behind the counter and said:
"Two large latte and one appleca... Oh... Hrm, två stora latte..."
Nice Jenny.

And you know what. I don't want to leave Valler. I will miss it. I will miss the dogs and everything. Yeah, I never thought I'd say that due to my allergy and that I don't want to work with horses. But hey, obviously things do change.

G'nite folks.



Postat av: Emi

Publicerad 2009-12-10 23:46:15

Så klockrent! :D

Postat av: Jaiba

Publicerad 2009-12-13 12:13:19

Of course things change honey! And I can understand that you'll miss Valler and everything out there, but in the same time I think you should think about your allergy and all the work you put down to it. I don't mean that you should stop doing something you like, I just think that you should eather got more money for it, or start your own farm! :D

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Det här är mitt andrum, min plats att låta hjärnan och händerna pränta ner det som läpparna inte kan forma. Vare sig det är lyckliga eller sorgsna ting så är det i alla fall sådant jag vill få ur mig. Jag hoppas du finner något att läsa som kan få dig att le eller kanske känna igen dig. Välkommen.



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