For some, music is not just a pasttime. It's an undeniable fact of living. A blissful slavery of mind, body, and soul.

See you all in 2010!

Publicerad 2009-12-15 19:33:33 i Allmänt,

Yeah... The past few days has been pretty busy. And the past 24 hours has been a roller-coaster-ride of laughter, tears, anger, dissapointment, meetings and simply... satisfaction, to use the only word usable.

I'm at Jennifers house now, have just eaten some food with her family. I still can't understand that we're leaving. I can't wait to get going, to let go and see how everything will be when I come home.
At the same time I'm a bit scared. How much will have changed when I come back, both in my mind and life, as in others.
I hope some things will have changed, but I don't know in what direction.

To be perfectly honest. Last evening was up, up, up, up, dooown and then up, up, up with a perfect morning, actually.

I have these three words that I can't tell you. Those three words. 'Cause I'm afraid it won't matter. And I don't want to mess things up. Whatever "things" are.

I just can't see myself anywhere else than there.

However... Soon it's time to leave and I'm just gonna let things go and leave everything in Sweden, to pick it up when I land here again, both fysically and mentally.

I wish everyone a merry xmas and a happy new year. Love ya'll.



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Det här är mitt andrum, min plats att låta hjärnan och händerna pränta ner det som läpparna inte kan forma. Vare sig det är lyckliga eller sorgsna ting så är det i alla fall sådant jag vill få ur mig. Jag hoppas du finner något att läsa som kan få dig att le eller kanske känna igen dig. Välkommen.



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